my bf have someone else

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Yeqon, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. I just found out that my bf has another girl.. The awkward part is that she was replying too cool to me and he asked me to still be friends  i mean its kinda confusing but anyone have any idea on how to get revenge ???
  2. Chop off his manhood.
  3. Go out with his dad.
  4. Or his brother.
  5. Ferm dem lah 
  6. Revenge is hate and hate is the path to the dark side young padawan 
  7. Heavily flirt in front of him, should work 
  8. Well I found out he was cheating on his girl with me without me even knowing.

    I cursed him out.

    Felt good.
  9. omg i went through the same thing to with my ex it was horrible :/
  10. Farm him in RL (I'm guessing it's RL)
  11. I'm a guy... but... you should cut off his penis. That's where it hurts most lol

    My mom always "te voya chingar onde te duela mas "

    Means ima hurt you where it hurts most
  12. Lol spit
  13. Crush his heartMUAHAHA
  14. Better to break a bone than break a heart bones heal.
  15. don't worry what he did to you will back fire
  16. I've got the perfect answer! Spam his wall and block him! I won
  17. "Chop his manhood off..... That's where it hurts the most" ?

    Well of-fucking-course. You chop anything off it'll fucking hurt.
  18. Plastic and lungs don't mix ^
  19. lol violence is never the answer even though he does deserve it
  20. Violence isn't the answer ITS THE QUESTION AND "hell yah!" IS THE RESPONSE.