One time I was running to class, and I tripped and threw my books all over the hallway I was in penguin position for a good ten seconds before I got up and realized everybody in the hall was staring at me. Do you know in anime where the character tries to regain their composure and starts spazzing out all over the place? That was me trying to stand back up.
There was once when I went to the mall with my grandma and she needed to use the toilet. We were so in a rush we didn't realized we entered the toilet of the opposite gender.When she was using one of the stalls I waited outside the stall and a guy came out. I was like what the hell this stupid guy must be a perv. He kept looking at me strangely and I was wondering what was he looking at after that when my grandma came out,we walked outside and saw we entered the wrong toilet.?
This was a month agobut I was walking down the side walk with some of my friends and I turned to look at the school we were passing wellI ran strait into a pole and all the kids on the bus pointed and laughedlittle turds
When I was little I was at the airport and it had to go to the bathroom before the plane for there. I accidentally walked into the men's bathroom. I just sat there with my feet out of view until everyone left and just slipped into the ladies' room ?.
i remember in PE (physical education) it wad our first lesson so the teacher were handing out our kits and they were throwing them to everyone and she threw one to the person behind me so i thought it was mine, i realized it wasnt mine so i turned round and the teacher had already threw mine to me and it hit me in the face & busted my. someone started laughing so everyone turned around and they all laughed at me ?
Oh Lawdy. Okay, so I was in second grade. I had first found out about "Menstrual Cycles". I thougt it would be "sexy", and "grown up", if I pretended I had started mine. So I told everyone in my class. They wanted proof. The next day, I came to school with toilet paper in my pants, with red marker on it. My teacher caught me when I pulled my op ants down and showed everyone when she left. But she called my parents. And my mom was so mad at me. Good time. Was a good time.