short leave

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IIIAceOfSpadesIII, Jan 4, 2014.

  1. Some of you might be wondering; Why The poop is ace becoming increasing annoying? well, chances are I am. Due this game becoming increasingly boring, I tried to compensate and still failed myself?

    Your now thinking, "how the hell can someone fail themselves on a game? well, quite simply; if it's aimed at me and I fail my own aim at me, I'm failing myself Right?

    (swear this colour is going to fail) so I've decided to take a short leave, give people a rest from my; Rather creepy phrases/comments, my annoying new contribution to BB code (hell, I'm even doing it now) and any Shizz that I do on forums.


    Ace out️
  2. baiiii
  3. Awww but you are awesome with BB codes? now forums are gonna be all black and white and boring  later!
  4. I love the colours
  5. Piss off

    See you in a bit ace
  6. Can't even spell it right?
  7. That's what I get for being white lol
  8. At least spell right on my thread 

    Says the one that missed the "Ly" out of "increasingly"
  9. Racism was not remotely involved in this...

    That's what you get for being a dumb bitch
  10. Laura, please leave, I would prefer you not bring racism into my thread, jokingly or otherwise. Thankyou
  11. sad to see u go acee
  12. Oh well.....
  13. Hey Ace, are you maybe an Ace of Heart? Because you've won my heart


    That joke made no sense
  14. And remember.. kaopectate is always.. always better.
  15. Make it a permanent leave 
  16. Adios ️