Some of you might be wondering; Why The poop is ace becoming increasing annoying? well, chances are I am. Due this game becoming increasingly boring, I tried to compensate and still failed myself? Your now thinking, "how the hell can someone fail themselves on a game? well, quite simply; if it's aimed at me and I fail my own aim at me, I'm failing myself Right? (swear this colour is going to fail) so I've decided to take a short leave, give people a rest from my; Rather creepy phrases/comments, my annoying new contribution to BB code (hell, I'm even doing it now) and any Shizz that I do on forums. LATER PEOPLE Ace out️
Awww but you are awesome with BB codes? now forums are gonna be all black and white and boring later!
Laura, please leave, I would prefer you not bring racism into my thread, jokingly or otherwise. Thankyou
Hey Ace, are you maybe an Ace of Heart? Because you've won my heart DON'T LEAVE! That joke made no sense