What Would You Do If...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lostguy2k11, Nov 28, 2013.

  1. I would pee my pants for doing of laughter.

    What would you do if... I don't have a good "what would you do if" question? :(
  2. I would laugh.

    What would you do if someone ran outside butt naked? :(
  3. Watch the beef 

    What If they wore a satchel?
  4. Through pebbles at them

    What would you do if you didn't answer this terrible question?
  5. Probobly die of anticipation 

    What would you do if you had to have your legs ripped off to save your wife/hubby?
  6. I would keep my legs and be without a wife

    What if u had to lick a dead persons toes as the only way of survival
  7. Why would I lick a dead person's toes when I can eat them?

  8. Beef

    Do you participate when it's leg day?
  9. Nah, I only participate on hump day.

    What would u do if u found Michael Jackson's corpse moon walking on your kitchen table
  10. Chicken.

    Do you like it fried or Grilled?
  11. Grilled

    What would you do if the Earth stood still?
  12. I'd cry. What if I told you your moms name was Bertha?
  13. I'd laugh in your face 

    What if there was no oxygen in Earth's atmosphere?
  14. I'd get ready for an alien invasion.

    What would you do if there were no pms or walls in pimd?
  15. I'd beef it up.

    What would you do if all the thirsties disappeared from pimd?
  16. I got lunch with ice cream on top?& gummy bears