Seraphina: *walks up to the house sure that it's his but with butterflies in her stomach as she rings the doorbell* (I'm back )
Ben- 1, 2, 3 BOMBS AWAY! Dad-turns machine on- Machine shoots 6 different rockets into the air, bursting 6 different colors illuminating the night sky and then bursting into 12 different colors
Daryl: -rampaging through the whole trying to find something while getting yelled at by the maids-shut up no one asked you-he yells as he keeps on looking for something-
Jake: -Want to meet in the park?- *waves, leaving the store* Kanaya: *waves back, confused but doesn't say anything to him since she is on the phone*
Ben-laughs- This is amazing! Dad-Indeed it is Son, indeed it is Ben-grins and watches the colors banish then goes into his room-
Snow:-lays back on the hill the girls gone now and sighs not wanting to answer my phone knowing it is my dad-
Daryl: -runs back to the school looking for the stuff he lost-where is it? (He only shows anger when his chain is missing since it a gift from his mom also)
Ben-lays back in his bed, bored now- Nothing to invent, no one to talk too, boredom has reached my mind
Josh: *Opens the door, wearing a blue pair of chinos and a expensive shirt with gild headphones* Hey There