The Mistake Pt2.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Oox-Zoe-xoO, May 24, 2011.

  1. hey guys! This is my prequel to the story 'the mistake' please read that story to know what exactly is going on, thanks 


    Andy sat all alone in his room shivering, his bed still smelt of her even though it was a week since it had happened. He lay down and sniffed the pillow keena had slept on and started to cry hugging the pillow tightly to himself as he howled for keena to come back. She never was coming back though, she was dead and it was all his fault. He was working for the police of Scotland yard, they had employed both him and Nathan to go undercover and infiltrate the gang but both of them ended up falling in love with girls that they were using. Andy was using keena to get to Zoe and into the gang, unfortunately it had all backfired on him because there was a spy inside Scotland yard. Andy slapped himself hard and sat back up "pull yourself together man!" he screamed at his reflection in the mirror, but it was no use, he started crying again for the loss of the only women he had ever loved or wanted and what made it worse was that she was carrying his baby, both of the things he had dreamed about. A family and keena were suddenly gone in a puff of smoke, or in this case one shot out of a gun.

    I rolled over lazily to face conner in the bed next to me, I smiled to myself as I watched him sleep, this hard toughened gangster looked soft and cute when he slept believe it or not.
    "why are you staring at me?" conner grumbled with his eyes closed still, I let out a little shriek and punched him lightly for scaring me, he laughed and sat up pulling me into a tight embrace, I fell back into his strong muscular arms and sighed "are you still upset over keena?"
    "a little but I'll get over her, it's what I do" I replied feeling an uneasy feeling in my stomach
  2. Love it! As usual !
  3. Awwh ty 
  4. ...
    i wanna be a ghost now...
  5. Keena.. You just wanna be back in it dont you? Lmfao
  6. YEAH!!!!!!!!!! but I'm not gonna cuz I'm.... DEAD!!!! WOOP WOOP
  7. Still trying to download photobucket chris lmao 
  8. Lmfao :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  9. Done 
  10. Go read my -facepalm- thread keena lmao
  11. Moar<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
  12. I think it would be epic if Keena Becomes a Ghost, And I'll be a superhero, And We will kill tha Bad guys  Pew Pew :D
  13. Awesomeness!!!!
  14. Cool, I cry.. 

    Btw, im awesome undercover police. 

    But i lost my girl and baby, damn... 
  15. Chris

    Chris threw the ball lazily at the wall, caught it and then threw it back repeating the same process, he had been stuck in here for atleast 5 years now and he longed to feel the sun on his face and the breeze blow on his skin. He also longed for the touch of his boyfriends skin on his. Jake had promised to stay faithful to him and wait but he wasn't sure if he had or not. Screams erupted from down the hall, chris payed no attention, these screams could be heard on a regular bases and he was unfazed by them now. His mind wandered to the gang, to conner and Zoe, he wondered if they were still a couple and still happy together
    "CHRIS VISITER!!" the warden shouted from outside his cell door, he grumbled and got up sluggishly walking to the warden "who is it?" chris asked hoping it was Jake but knowing for a fact it wouldn't be,
    "a man, tall, dark hair, gave the name of Conner" the warden replied not interested in the gang scum who he considered filth and shouldn't be allowed to talk to yet he was just as bad with him cheating on his wife and everything. Chris' heart skipped a beat, it was conner, that meant he was getting out, and soon.
  16. Yey!!!! LOVE IT !!!!!!! =p
  17. Lmao goooood :)
  18. I'm glad you've done a prequel :)