 What a mess.. 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Ahli-LovesMike, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. Ruby's right. We could totally start a revolution.
  2. Ruby, I admire your positivity, lovely.
  3. Thank you love!
  4. I joined back in 2011. I come up to hit party and I'm out.  I'm sure that says a lot.
  5. This game is addictive but thats only because of the people, the game itself needs a lot of work.

    Yes Im going bring up wars again like I always do but honestly there is nothing better on here then a good old merc war. Its not just working out a strategy its also the interaction of war that makes it fun. Hitting and being hit in a friendly manner the banter between the two clubs etc.

    Ata need to stop with the parties for a few months and work on just wars, they gave up on beta wars so it seems, a few glitches and they were forgotten about.
  6. ATA need to pull their fingers out of their asses and realise that the higher stated players/more experienced players bring the highest income.

    The current path ATA are taking are causing these players (not directed at you raven) to leave the game.

    They should make the game cost $5 dollars, so the pervs seeking love on here can download eHarmony instead
  7. Mentioned Third party app...

    But $5 is a little steep. Even .99...
  8. I've always kinda wanted a flash screen every time you open pimd, with a shortened version of the rules.. Or at least directions on how to get there.. I know they send pm's when you first start, but honestly, all tutorials are boring and dismissed..

    If you saw "check the help section" every time you opened the game, it'd eventually spark your curiosity, right?

    That still won't help the attitude problem though..
  9. Meh who cares, I'm perm silenced and close to quitting anyways?

    But seriously, who can't fork up 99c?
  10. Ahli, half the problem is that they aren't even getting caught. I realise it is the holiday season, but if a lack on mods is an issue, hire moreIt's really not that hard
  11. I hear you dude, and I always wondered why there isn't a bigger mod group.. I guess they're keeping the group small to minimise the risk of "god complex" types.. Though the current mods really don't have that issue..
  12. as i can read and see there is a 'mess' but how to solve it… my coconut brain don't understand… explain :cry: please :cry:
  13. I love how everyone blames teenagers xD
  14. "Teenagers."
  15. 

    This literally made me tear up, I started 3 years ago almost and this is not Party in my Dorm.
  16. PiMD Dictator. I'm feeling it
  17. Yes, pimd has changed significantly. I joined back in 2011. I remember when i joined i was volleyed up and taught how to war, maintain mp, importance of tb, and the farming rule .

    Tbh does any one do that anymore? The farming rule isnt even exsistent since pvp actions are so rare only time you get inc is in war.

    Ive put so much time and dedication into this game i cant quit. But i barely talk in cc, i barely pm any one. I have yet ever to run out of speakers in months because i dont even use wc.

    I remember my days at the Ordo sub club, Ordo Angelus. We learned, we grew. And once in a while wed go to main club to do volleys the bigger players would keep to help us out. But they werent just dvs. No we had to post on walls in search of new players to volley up and teach.

    I guess im old fashioned, old gen players taught me war. I thrive for it. Its what i know best. The pvp of the game.

    I played Gaw and Kaw. But i really got into Gaw. One of the few hooks was osws (Sfw). I live for war. And anyone who actually plays gaw knows osws dont make profits. The cost of pots outweigh the plunder by a landslide. But its fun. The banter. The strips. The farming. Its a norm.

    I would love to see pimd war mobilized. Everybody wants stats, but whats the point if you aint using em? Id love to see wars and networks and official aliances that back each other up in sfws. Our commuinty isnt connected. We all have a bunch of big clubs that are indepent. Even so those clubs are like 50% mercs jumping in and out. Our sense of club pride i guess? is non exsistent.

    Now you might say, you want all that go to kaw. But why should i? Pimd has roots here in war. Amd so do i. Why not hit someone for fun? stir the pot guys. Whats to lose?
  18. Mr Joni, I remember those days very vividly.

    And I'll say this, if I can raise the money, and wars come back, then I'll join ( if I can be taught about tutor trading and buying).

    As old as I am on this game I was never taught about the trade because I learned everything on my own actually. I am still eager to learn.

    I'd love to re live those days and to teach it. I want Party in my Dorm back, Pervs in my Dungeon is not fun?
  19. I agree completely^

    I have recently got extremely bored with the lack of.... Anything. Everyone is so caught up in getting the new items, more money, higher stats, that they don't actually take the time to enjoy the game.

    And that transfers on to everyone. Like you said, we have 5-10 big clubs who are party mercs, a ton of small club trying their best to have any active members, and a ****load of role play clubs.

    I don't see the point in trying to bring back what was clearly destroyed and buried under a mile-high pile of role playing ****

    PIMD has become so... Dead?I am constantly hitting off the bl, and enjoy getting responses from the party noobs that think they are being farmed. That is the most excitement I have had on this game in a very long time.

    All the down-to-earth, old style players and leaving, making room for the **** that is role playing. If love to see ATA try and keep this game afloat once all the dedicated, old players have left.

    Sorry for the rant
  20. That was to joni's post