 What a mess.. 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Ahli-LovesMike, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. I agree. This game has become very different than the game I started playing. The endless parties, promos, and items was driving me to hate the game that I used to enjoy. But a good friend reminded me pimd is what we make it so this week I've decided to have fun again. No more parties, no more items. I'm playing the war game that used to be so much fun ! And I must say so far it has worked. I am having a blast again :p
  2. Simp, you're very right.. Majority probably ARE adults. And I definitely agree that there isn't a point in trying to instigate a positive change.. We're just outnumbered. It truly is disheartening..
  3. As the game changes, over time, with more and more things being added, people's way of thought change on how to step around and to tackle the game.
    Just like a game of AFL, or any sport, as the game changes, you have to change the way you play it, or be left behind.
    It's the way things are, people will change how they play as the game changes, some will changes differently to others.
    ? agreed with your post...
  4. When I first started I never did wars or anything, just messed around with my "clique"

    Ahhh, the good old days.
  5. It has changed so much. I had a group that I hung with and now everyone has gone their separate ways. I miss those days of fun and helping each other
  6. I only have about 3 friends left who haven't gone
  7. I have about two close friends on here. I never talk to anyone else really
  8. Hasn't everyone, besides Billingsworth, at one point or another said they're here for the people, the friends they've made?

    I miss it too.. Being able to wake up and say good morning to my clubmates, and them actually KNOW me.. Talking about our lives and experiences outside the game, and feeling like a real second family..

    I understand there are still loyalties to friends here, but what makes your friend worthy of your time and understanding, yet not other people?
  9. I joined late 2012, early 2013, during the party evolution. I have to say, I much preferred the old times than what lied ahead. Not just the game, but I feel as if the developers don't care about what players want, and just continue to release promos that bring them income. It's disheartening to see a game that had so much potential turn into a giant pile of ****?

    Also, ATA are almost encouraging players to role play, thus un-filtering the word and making it Tou acceptable. I have said this on many threads and will until I quit this game (hopefully soon)?

    But hey, don't like it? Don't play
    I guess that's ATA's moto
  10. Kinda forgot to preface this with the standard disclaimer "Yes, I too, have been guilty of bad attitude, and arguing with people", but overall, just hope for a sense of maturity and dignity to return to the game.
  11. Sox you are not allowed to quit. Asgard for life! Inside our club it feels like a time warp :) I'm not letting Asgard die again!!
  12. I remember in my first club, my friend and I were talking about a burping contest or something in cc, (Don't judge, it was two years ago)and some bitchy admin was like, " OH. MY. GAWD. EEEWW. If you guyz don't stop being gross I'm going to kick you!" And we just kept talking about it and got kicked. But we kept rejoining until we pissed her off so bad. She HAAATED us!

    That is one of my fondest memories of the old days though
  13. One of my fondest memories where, like Julie said, being in a group of friends that I feel like I knew, warring and joking around. There is almost none of that anymore, everyone is too concerned about getting the latest items and fake money
  14. I started playing November of 2012. I see some of what you're talking about. There is just one thing I want to point out. Not all of the teenagers on here act like that. Some of us try to be good players and help others out
  15. Well then get your butt back to Asgard! We have that here silly! Team -Unagadori-
  16. Funnily enough, one of my favourite memories is of war too.. My first BoS in 2012.. I was around 400kcs, and crazy honoured to have been accepted.

    Most players had heard about the previous BoS wars, and supported all participants, watching from the outside.. Felt wonderful to be part of a club with 100 active members, working together and encouraging everyone to keep going, even without sleep 

    The last two wars I participated in reminded me why war is so uncommon these days - everyone brings their own ideas to the table, and can't work together.. It's just a lot of fuss for a lot of drama..
  17. I agree with this thread even though i am a teenager lol, but i find there are more younger pimd players since last year when i started
  18. Things always appear better in retrospect.. the old players are the ones to blame because they party harder than the noobs.. during the halloween hunt a very popular older player named War-King ironically collected the most candies. In this pug hunt which players have 350? Those "warriors" if you wanna bring back wars join or make war clubs instead of following along with the partying and the hunts.
  19. Agreed. Fuck you new generations!