Fatal Perception

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by DanteThePsychoticWeirdo, Jan 1, 2014.

  1. Growing up, my mother would always tell me, “Mijo, a reflection shows your entire life and soul, but at other times an dark evil, el mal oscuro.”

    She would tell me of El Ladrón Alma, or The Soul Thief. He is a spirit entity that steals one’s soul after midnight when they look into a mirror or anything else that has a reflection.

    It is said that first you hear a song of sadness and fear, then a gut-churning scream.

    When I turned 18, I began to have doubts of the eligibility of El Ladrón Alma. A ghost that lurks in your mirror and steals souls? That’s bull.

    The story may just be to keep a child from being self-centered or a douche. At least, that’s what I thought, but, oh, was I going to be proven wrong...

    *Present Day*

    “5... 4... 3... 2... 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!” I was 20 years old, a student at ASU, but had the mind of a man in his mid-thirties. Running my hands through my dark brown hair, I enjoyed the... “party” at the frat house near my dorm. It was around 10 minutes away.

    “Hey there.” I looked up to see a girl who, by my guess, was 18 or 19.

    “Hey,” was my only reply. She raised an eyebrow and sat next to me.

    “I’m Susan, you are?” she said with a sweet country accent.

    “I’m Alex, but my friends call me Julio.” I told her, taking a sip from my cup of unknown liquids. Susan had reddish blonde hair that came past her shoulders and tucked right between her arms and side. Her pink lipstick matched the eye shadow she was wearing, as well as bringing out her rosy red cheeks.

    “So,what major are you?” she asked again with her country accent.

    “I’m a communications major, you?” I told her, watching the crowds of people converse. I was watching for the different social classes like there were when I was in high school.

    “I’m a journalism major. I’m actually only here for research, not really my type of thing.” She looked at her phone and got up. “Sorry I’ve got to run, there’s another piece I’m working on. See you later?”

    I nodded and she gave me a card that had her name and number, making me chuckle a bit before I got up and walked to the bathroom. I looked into the mirror, seeing my caramel skin and green eyes.

    I looked at the time. 12:45. “Oh god, I should go.” Suddenly, I heard a song other than the one that was playing right outside the bathroom door. This song sounded like Moonlight Sonata with a dark feeling to it. “What the?” I looked around and back to the mirror, only to see a shadow with blood-red eyes right next to mine. “What the hell?”

    I looked behind myself. Nothing. Something in the mirror was moving. I turned my head only to see the shadow right there in front of me...
  2. I was planning on midnight but someone *Cough*FallenAngel*cough* Tried to jinx me.
  3. Also this is just an opening. It's will get better and scarier. Just wait ;D
  4. Excellent!!!  Bump!
  5. It's great Bump
  6. Update for ya
    The shadow had a rancid stench that pretty much burned every living hair in my nostrils. It also was very tall, about 7 foot 6.

    Opening its mouth, it let out a scream that should have been heard across the campus, although I doubt it would even be heard in the party right outside the door.

    My body now felt heavy and weighed down. My throat began to become dry. Finally realizing what I was facing, I muttered a faint help before falling to my knees.

    I whispered again, “Someone help me..” I blacked out, just after hearing the bathroom door open.

    (Susan’s POV)

    Sitting in my dorm, I looked at a website that had pictures of different places and the story behind them. “Hmm... I wonder if I could do a story on Launa’s Canyon. Maybe Jason would like to join me.”

    I picked up my phone and scrolled down to Jason Felk. “Hey Jason, wanna go ghost hunting?”

    “I can’t right now. There was an accident,” he said in a low voice. Accident? Maybe I can also look into that.

    “What happened?” I replied, taking out my notepad and pen.

    “Some guy named Alex,” he told me. “They found him choking in the bathroom. He said there was something in the bathroom, but when they checked, nothing was there.”

    I wrote down what he was saying. “Okay thanks. Wait, was he a tall, caramel skinned guy?”

    Bridget walked in, drunk as always. “Hey Susssssan.” She walked in the bathroom, and it soon sounded like she was puking her guts out.

    “Yeah hi. Now Jason was he tall and caramel skinned guy?” I asked again, putting my authority in my voice.

    “Yeah, yeah he was... Susan, I got to go.” The phone clicked and I put my notepad down.

    The bathroom was awfully silent, and, a little concerned, I walked towards it. I knocked twice. “Bridget, you okay in there?”

    I opened the door and saw Bridget on the floor... lifeless...
  7. I like it. I don't usually get this interested in fan fiction stories, but I can't wait for more.
  8. Ooohhhh Soooo Cool and Creepy
  9. I will try to update as much as I can. Hopefully everyday if not then when I can.
  10.  Good Job
    Update Soon...
  11. Bump  And I've never heard that one  just El Cucuy or about ya know the Cryer, not sure how to spell it >_>
  12. Whoa another fallen angel bump!
  13. I've seen a ton of FallenAngels must be like a sorority
  14. I've seen two. Besides this one. It's nice seeing one of my sisters or brothers or long-lost creepy pervy cousins.
  15. La Llorona is the name of the ghost your talking about Neko. And I shall see f I can update tomorrow hopefully.
  16. Yup that's her  wow I just failed at being Mexican ._. 
  17. No lol I study a lot of lore about different places