Prologue What happens when the government breaks down? Shuts down, forever? People go against their own people. War roams the streets while families are forced out of their homes due to high taxes. Government loses even more money. People gang up to make a group of terrorists, robbing what's still left of the United States. They ask other countries for help, but they all refuse. Some take advantage of this collapse and attack the United States. Government falls in destruction. Survivors try and live with minuscule food with a side of gang attacks. This, is my story of Survival.
Interesting. The plot doesn't seem all that original so far, so maybe you can add your own twist, and there are a few technical mistakes (spelling, grammar, etc.). Keep going.
I scanned through the snacks on the shelves. Doritos, Lays, and junk. The old television in the corner was on the news. "With the government losing money, they are raising the taxes tremendously in hopes to get back on track" Great. Pay more money for people who can't even put it in their pockets. I snatched a bag of Cheetos and went to the counter. Placing the bag on the counter, I dug my pockets a five dollar bill. The clerk looked like he was in his thirties. His hair was combed to the side and had a dark skin tone. "Sorry little man, that's not gonna cut it" What? A five dollar bill can't buy one Cheetos bag? "Why not?" "Taxes. They've shot through the roof." What the hell? Frustrated, I took the bag and returned to the shelf. Ding Ding! Someone came through the entrance. I heard a cocking noise of weapon. "Puts your hands up!" Robbery? "Take all the money from the register and hand it to me." Trying not to make a noise, I tried to sneak over to the entrance. The man had a ski mask and was wearing a coat with blue jeans with holes in them. I stepped over to the outside. Ding Ding!