Trapped 200 years ago there was a man his name was Joseph and he lived in the country of Britain, he lived there with his wife Marie. They were married for 10 years and had 3 children. One day Joseph went to go and have dinner with one of his competitors in the cattle business. His name was Henry and he despised Joseph because how wealthy his business was. Henry decided to poison one of the meals the one for Joseph. It was the perfect plan. With Joseph gone there would be no one to take his business so he could then get more customers. The following night Joseph came with his wife Marie. "Hello Jospeh I'm glad you could come," Henry said in a deceiving voice. "Me too, thank you for letting me bring my wife, you're very generous!" Joseph replied fondly. They then sat down where the food was already prepared. It was a nice lamb chop with green beans and corn. It was all nicely decorated and must have tasted as good as it looked. They then ate the meal and left, by oddly enough the next day Joseph showed up at Henry's and said that his wife was very sick. Henry knew he mixed up the meals. And the next day Marie had been reported as dead. At the funeral she laid still, her blond hair flowing to her shoulders, wearing her favorite pink dress. She was buried, hopefully never to be seen again. But as strange as it was the next 3 days Joseph was waking up from horrible dreams. Each of his dreams had the same things, his wife screaming that she was alive and her nails scarring up against the top of the casket. On the 4th night Joseph couldn't take it anymore, he woke up from the middle if the dream, the rain was pouring down and the night barley luminated by the candle lit street lamps. He grabbed his shovel an dragged it all the way to Marie's grave. He dug and dug his black hair and nice clothes ruined by the rain. He dug until he could open the grave, she was barley alive "Marie, Marie!!" Joseph screamed. "I love you," Marie managed to speak as she gasped for air. "Please don't leave me," Joseph cried, but it was too late, she was gone. Sure enough her fingers were wore out and the top of the casket was covered in the marks of her nails. It was too late.
It's a good start. Remember to proofread -- there are some technical errors. Also, I sort of feel like you're just listing everything, rather than making me see or feel it. Show. Don't tell. Sure, you can tell some things, but don't outright state everything, because that can be a tad boring. Add some detail and stronger verbs too. Is this a oneshot, or are you planning to continue it? I think it's not bad so far.?