Raven The Good Influence

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by FootIongSandwich, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. Despite our differences, I wish you the best of luck in the future Raven
  2. RAVEN you can't leave meeh. gonna miss you! ?
  3. Bye RavenCome back soonYou'll be missed
  4. Bye raven, I never really got to know you but I'll miss you
  5. Kinda sad thinking of future pimd wars without u Raven. I can probably only think of a handful that I joined where u weren't involved either on same side or opp. You'll be missed by a lot of people I'm sure.

    I haven't played long enough to reminisce about the 'good old days' but in any case I hope pimd changes to the point where amazing players like you come back and epic wars are the standard again.

    Be well 
  6. Raven!!
    Thanks for supporting SBO and all the other clubs we hopped around to and for making everything a lot more fun. It was a pleasure knowing you and good luck to all that you do!
  7. Good Luck & Best Wishes in RL hope you accomplish ur dreams and acheive all ur life goals…
  8. Raven is one of the most amazing women I have ever met. As gnomey has previously stated she's like a safe haven in a world of fake ass people. She's a breathe of fresh air.

    She's an absolute treasure, and it's been my pleasure and honor that she choose me to be friends with. She's one of those people who won't coddle you, will tell you the truth, but still cares about you with it. One of the most real people I have met on this game.

    But I'm not saying goodbye as we will keep in touch. Luv you girlie. ️
  9. I will miss you raven. We haven't talked much lately but we had a lot of fun back in Forever-_-Unmatched
  10. Raven you'll be missed. I do understand though.
  11. Best pup a tut could ask for....
  12. Raven take care hun. Hope you have fun be safe and always be happy
  13. D: what.. But ravey..
  14. I love my wifey :)

    We met volleying tuts, to make it more interesting they had to be rude names lmao! Then we blossomed, and well I love you!! xxxxxx
  15. Bye RavenHope you come back soon the ?A-Fam? will mis you️
  16. I didn't really "know" Raven, but we spoke a good two times . I didn't get to know you basically at all, but from lurking in Ascensions cc and reading forums I knew you were a pretty funny and nice person . I wish met you earlier so I could experience these fun moments, but anyways, have a great pimd-less time .
  17. i can honestly say i never met raven, didnt even say one word to her lol but seeing her in wc/forums made me feel like i knew her a bit, at least knew of her.
    i think that all of us will eventually reach this point of bein tired of the game. i hope we have the same decency to say good bye before we leave, occasionally check in so we dont just become memories, and have the ability to be remembered as an awesome person while here like raven :)
  18. Goodbye Raven.
    I know we don't talk that much, and we don't know anything about each other but i can say that you're a great person. I wish you all the best in real life and i promise to talk to you often when you decide to come back. Take care always and i'm so glad to meet someone like you. 

    xoxo,, Aisha
  19. Raven, I'm gonna miss you and footy going at it in cc  that was always so funny. The few times I did get to war with you, I thought you were great. You never gave up. I know the whole  A family  wishes much success in your life. 