Raven The Good Influence

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by FootIongSandwich, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. Raven, you're truly a pillar of the community and a true person in general. You've touched many people in the game and for that you will be missed. You're down to earth and true to yourself and your friends ,I feel blessed to have had the chance to get to know you.  we're still holding on to hope that this is just a break.
  2. Awww will miss u raven
  3. Damn she leaving for real. Goin to miss u Raven. It always been fun warring wit and against u
  4. Bye raven. I'll miss ya! I wish I actually talked to you more. Good luck with rl
  5. Never got to know you properly but you made forums fun nd it was a pleasure to war with you. All the best xx
  6. raven,

    Ill miss you. Loads..
    But you know where im.at, & well keep in touch.

  7. bye raven, ul be missed
  8. Bye Raven! I've never talked to you but whenever I'm on here I always see you
  9. you will be missed raven, hope you come back if not good luck in rl
  10. Bye raven ? ima miss yours and footys arguments in cc making me laugh.
  11.  my little war buddy and used to best friend.. come back!!!!! 
  12. Waaaah bye Raven :( youre an awesome warrior i shall miss warring with you
  13. Awww Raven .. I haven't known you long but I'm seriously gonna miss you.. You were there and supported me when I needed someone the most.. You're a true friend and I'll always be here if you need me. I understand that rl comes first so I won't beg you to stay.. But you'll always hve a friend if you decide to come back. A-Team for life you'll be missed
  14. Raven...You will be missed. I know we haven't talked in a while, but I always admired your straight-forward attitude. You were someone I could confide in and talk to. I understand 100% about this game boring you. I feel the same way most of the time. You will be missed dearly.
  15. I've never really talked to you but I've seen you in Forum, a lot. And based on that, you're awesome. So I wish you fun and wonderful experiences in RL. Goodluck!!
  16. Awww ty guys. Its not a case of having rl issues at all it the fact the game is boring.

    Ill lurk from time to time but I love inc's so why not let people make some cash while Im not active.

    If wars make a decent come back you can bet you're sweet asses Ill be back. Till then hit me fgs, hardly any inc ?
  17. Raven join us then it's fun  you'll have a blast.

    I was planning on quitting too but this is funner than wars
  18. Bye Raven I'm gonna miss you you are a good friend. Good luck with RL