Not everyone u know is gonna have what I need. Navap is a scammer too. U should have read the campus announcement yesterday.. it was ec well spent.
Unfortunately theres alot of scammers out there and unlike a previous post says not all scammers are noobs most ive met are actually high stat players taking advantage of smaller stat players instead of helping them learn the game everyone on this game has had help wether its from guides friends clubs or pups so hardly fair saying its a new players fault they got scammed if they haven't had the help or experience youve had. Alot of people hate on noobs yet weren't we all noobs at one point
Some coward choose to hide behind their stats thinking they are all that. Even with these post, player are still getting cheated-.-.. God I wonder what's wrong with them. Please help spread the message on CAMPUS ABOUT NAVAP AND BUTTHEAD07! They are still flaunting what they have scammed and asking for more item. Please HELP. Just spread the word.
Its pointless farming him when he's in a farming club and most likely a alt ... we already looked into it when he scammed a smaller club member