Pick Up Lines!!!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by rex_, Dec 26, 2013.

  1. So as you can tell i got really bored. I'm interested to see what pickup lines have been used on you or you have used on someone! Anything silly, stupid, romantic or even funny. Post them here.
    Just curious! :p
  2. There will only be 7 planets left once I destroy Uranus.
  3. YOLO! Let's fuck?
  4. Did you just fart? Because you just blew me away with that ass.
  5. I slapped a goat, wanna molest my horns?
  6. Spit, someone actually used that one on me once

  7. Does my breath stink or is it just your Conlone
  8. dang lets bang

    we banged
  9. I lost my number, can I have yours?
  10. Is your dad a farmer? Because those are some nicely cultivated melons ?
  11. If I have $1 for every time I thought of you, I'd have $1 because you've never left my mind
  12. Well that's just adorable
  13. Hey, baby! There's a party in my pants 
    And urine-vited ?
  14. Tailofire i love that one
  15. You're the cheese to my cheeseburger
  16. My teddy bear went missing, can I cuddle with you tonight?
  17. There are 21 letters in the alphabet, right?

    Oh wait, I forgot U R A Q T.
  18. My penis is dying can I bury it in uranus?

    My love for you is like diarrhoea I can't keep it in.
  19. I think that one would actually work tbh

    Hey, can you hold this for me while I go on a walk? *holds hand out*