So since I couldn't find a thread already addressing this I figured it would be worth it to create a thread in which people looking to trade/swap their pugs for ones they didn't already have would be helpful This is NOT a thread asking for DVs, asking to swap for scav items or people begging to be given free stuff. If that's your aim please create your own thread asking for such. Basically, just post what you're looking to trade (and looking for exchange) so it's easier for people up find others with items they need instead of clogging world chat and wasting speakers. Please just post your trading "ads"--if you see someone ego has what you want wall them. When your item is traded just post back saying it's sold or taken so you're not hassled by people.
Youre not the boss of me ill do as i please I want dv Someone send me a donner I WILL NOT GIFT YOU BACK Im tradi.g anything except pugs Try and stop me meanie!
Trade MY 3 PUGS(my choice) for UR 2 WinRoses/Donner/Cupid BuyDonner/Cupid @1B NON Profit Buy other pugs 1B NON profit for 3 Just wall me if wanna trade... Price can be changed anytime depends on my moods