True Love..Never Dies

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Calla9, Dec 25, 2013.

  1. She pulled her sleeve down and looked into the mirror. She asked herself, "Why me, why did he have to choose me?" She walked to her bedroom and laid on her bed silent and still. She pulled her sleeve up again and ran her finger up and down the bloody newly made cuts on her arm. She found her blade, pulled up her shirt, and started cutting her slim stomach from her ribs and down to her waist. Blood poured out of her.

    Just then her mom came into her room, because she had heard her crying, she walked over to her bleeding daughter asking, "What the hell did you do?!" She replied, "I...I cut myself, be...because I was... Uh raped..." Her mom slapped her until she was out of breath. She walked it of the room with anger in her eyes.

    She came back into the room with a big cup of ice and threw the many cubes on her bloody stomach. She screamed with the cold pain flooding over her from her mother. "You slut, you don't deserve to live anymore!" Through her tears she cried, "Fuck you! You don't deserve to be called a mom all you are is a bitch." Her mom walked over and pushed the ice onto her stomach. The girl screamed a scream she never thought possible. Her mom. Finally left her alone.

    About five minutes later her phone started ringing it was her boyfriend, she answered as fast as she could. He said in a panic, "babe, are you ok? You haven't answered me all day." She said softly, "Come get me, please. I'm dying." He hangs up the phone and about ten minutes later he's at her side, getting the ice off of her, picking her up and taking her away from the danger she was in.

    *Wanna find out the rest? Comment please!*
  2. Not a bad start. It's moving extremely fast, so I would suggest adding suspense and detail to slow down the action. There are also some grammar mistakes so I would recommend proofreading. Keep going!
  3. I wanna cry now please make more
  4. Bump love this
  5. AWESOME!!!!!but i hate the mom such a bitch, but why does she cut herself?
  6. Update please  Post on my wall when?
  7. B
  8. Oh and wall me when u update
  9. Keep going!!!
  10. B