Santa Isn't real.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Radioactive-2, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. Sorry to burst the bubbles of the little kids on this game 
  2. What do you mean he isn't real.
  3. He isn't I knew my mom and dad were lieing to me  
  4. I remember being a little kid and looking at some presents under the tree and some said Santa on it... And it was like three days early and I told my mom and she said "oops your dad out the wrong presents" :lol:
  5. Ur a Lier 

  7. My momma said that sometimes Santa delivers presents early since he has so many houses to get too. She also says that he lets her wrap and label them for the same reason... Santa is real!!!
  8. "Why does Santa have Daddy's handwriting?"
  9. next you'll be saying the easter bunny and tooth fairy arent real!!! Stop lying 
  10. Ummm idk what you're talking about. I've been Santa for the last 5 years. I'm real, I promise
  11. Santa is real, im santa once a year, you cant make me believe im not real
  13. Santa must be real! Daddy says Santa gave him the bourbon and that's why he's allowed to drink it and Jesus doesn't mind.
  14. If santa isn't real then I have no reason to live. 
  15. Wuuut???!!

    When, where, how did this happen???
  16. I went to the mall last weekend and the Santa there was skinny 
  17. Saint nick was very real
  18. ^

    He was skinny.  The story was that he was a very creepy person that climbs down roofs to give people presents at night, but you know, that's weird. So America portrayed him different 