him️ (a poem.)

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -_DeepFried_OreoPie_-, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. I haven't done any poetry in a while, what I have done is in a notebook inside a storage room.

    This one, well, you guys will understand it.

    I have wrote and write things close to me, personal and real. I believe poetry should have emotion to it.

    Like I said, my first one in a few months. I want to get back into poetry and writing in general.

    I would greatly appreciate any feedback or criticism on this piece. Let me know what I need to work on.

    Thank you,
    Happy Holidays

    It's been a few years since you told me those two powerful words.
    You tore me up, held me down and left me out.
    I was heartbroken inside, part of me died.
    But so calm and peaceful outside.
    I was free of you.
    Always made me afraid.

    We were seemingly so happy,
    How did we wreck either so badly?
    Everything you did,
    Made me want to bid you farewell.
    You turned me dark.
    For that,
    Karma will bite you.
    And for that I'll watch from up above, you suffering in hell.

    I met someone.
    He's just a friend.
    But my heart,
    Is up for mend.
    For him I don't have to bend.
    He made me better; more alive.
    On the edge, I will dive.
    We grew closer over time.
    He said, "I love you."
    I knew he was mine.
    And a tear dropped from my eyes.
  2. That last verse was so sweet your really good. Wall me if u get anymore done
  3. I like this. ^.^
  4. [bold] Thank you, everyone. [/b]

    Hoped that was right.

    I'll work on some more over Christmas.

    Does anyone want me to wall them?
  5. Nope.

    BB code fail.
  6. It should be at the beginning instead of [bold]. And change "font" to "color".

    [*b][*color=orange] text [/color*][/b*]

    Like that, except take out the asterisks. (*)
  7. I used to do it all the time,

    but I quit forums for a while and just forgot BB coding.
  8. another poem update. This is a rather old one and one from my collection. I happen to come across it in my closet. The writing from the pencil has faded a bit in some places so please bare with me.

    Enjoy!! ️


    If you look up at the sky you'll see a star.
    Coming back down to earth,
    And I'll act as if I never know who you are.
    But I loved you who you were.

    Why could see right through me?
    Read me like a book?
    Was it how my emotions look?
    It's something I never got to see.
    Because you wouldn't let me be.

    No matter how hard I try.
    Every chance you got you made me cry.
    And silly me couldn't say bye.
    Even when we were high.

    I gave you many chances to prove me wrong.
    Maybe, maybe we just were off like a bad song.
    Or maybe abused like Wiz's bong.
    But whatever reason we didn't last long.

    I fought for us to work out.
    That wasn't something you was about.
    Even when I tried with all my might.
    You was the fuel to the fight.

    Maybe one day you will see.
    That we wasn't meant to be.
    You was the worst thing for me.
    Now that it's all said and done.
  9. Do you guys enjoy my poems?
  10. They're very good! I can never write poetry like that
  11. Thanks, Marshmallow.

    I just usually write poetry when I'm feeling down, it's sort of like writing how I feel and my emotions.

    And after I feel better, it's just how I escape.

    Glad you guys enjoy my poems. I'll post more once I find them.
  12. Its what eminem does lol u could be in books for how good it is 
  13. I'm 20;

    And in my time I've been through a lot of things, family and personal wise.

    I've wrote a lot about each problem I've went through and succeeded.

    Some are hard to write about because they're still fresh in my memory and I'm sensitive to write them or put them out for viewing.

    It'll take time to warm up on my poems and what I think I should and shouldn't post but I promise I won't let you guys down.

    I just don't wan to scare you away with a poem and it be too deep or emotional.
  14. You should post whatever, if people are scared then too bad for them. I'd love to read anything you write!
  15. Working on a new poem for you all.
