societal implication of 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IMPOSTER_CatfishCherryTomato, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. So after viewing a third party app which is a photo sharing app and speaking with a friend, it's completely apparently to me we live in a world of cleavage shot pictures. I shall be discussing the dynamics of this and also asking you the reader to share your opinion. Now as this is a debate/discussion thread lets not get to heated as I would like to hear from as many people who wish to post on this thread.

    I have not been squeaky clean of cleavage pictures. In fact back in 2012 for October for breast cancer awareness month a third party app profile picture consisted of my cleavage and just my cleavage . It was like that for about 2 weeks until I met someone special and took it down. Anyway, there's been a progression with the photos I take...seems that the more insecure I feel about my body the more revealing my pictures are. When I was large and yes I used to be extremely big I was victim of FGAS. Never wanting people to see what my full body looked like. Even now I'm a fan of filters. 
    One of my prior FGAS
    My weight loss progression, from 2011,2012,2013
    What I dress like now
    Where's Waldo 
    I occasionally chill out in dresses

    But as you can tell from the pictures I just posted the more I lost weight the more I covered up unless there was a reason to be uncovered  so it leads me to question, did I think people were going to judge me unfavorably because I was large and it thought I needed to use my breasts to get attention. I know I struggle with my self image a lot and struggle with my body on a constant as I do have a disorder that makes me see my body not how it actually is. I know especially in women a lot of us struggle with our physical appearance. How can we not? We live in a world surrounded by touched up images of supremely beautiful women and are brought up to believe that that is the standard for sexy.

    But I was looking through my picture sharing app and the thought crossed my mind, how much cleavage is to much cleavage? I have friends who post who basically show their whole chest excluding nipple. I mean I understand in a way if you got it flaunt it, but do we not have decency anymore that women have to be judged by how attractive they are by their breasts?

    Is a picture of a woman covered just as attractive as a picture of the same woman uncovered? I find pictures of women who dress themselves tastefully beautiful. And that doesn't mean you have to be a nun and wear huge baggy clothes. No a woman who's dressed appropriately and dressed to fit her body is impressive. I went through the whole teenage phase where I dressed lack of a better word like a hooker.  and looking back on those pictures now I'm like  and you wonder why you attracted dead beat asshole men? 

    So, give me your opinions. Is there such a thing as to much cleavage? Do you believe in having it and flaunting it? Do you believe that society forces a woman into using her body to be deemed "good looking"? Is there such a thing as proper dressing?

    Yes this thread is long and weird.  wouldn't you like to spend a day living inside my mind? 
  2. Damn this is long...
    Love the hair btw️

    I didn't read all of it so I support 
  3. Yes ? flaunt it  society pressures all women obvi  and yeah forgot the last question ?
  4. Well I just saw words breasts, cleavage and chest so yes I also support for showing them 
  5.  my question is is there such a thing as to much cleavage and such a thing as being sexy while being covered or do women have to reveal their body to be deemed sexy in the eyes of society and men today?
  6. Can you gimme short version? 
  7. Women shouldn't have to show any cleavage.  don't get me wrong it's a plus.

    But beauty is way more than cleavage. Unless you're just looking for a one night stand.
  8. I've always been insecure about my figure, so I try to do my best to wear clothing that covers absolutely everything. It's kinda hard though, since my nicer clothing that I wear to work has a tendency to want to expose my lady parts for lack of a better way of phrasing it. ? I like wearing jackets, jeans, and t-shirts, but I can't always dress like a bum no matter what I prefer.
  9. Women don't have to show cleavage to be deemed attractive. Aesthetically, well from a personal view  look at the face first, then the figure of the body. Cleavage isn't of great importance to be sexy. Just my opinion though ?
  10. Beautiful
  11. Thank you for understanding Justin. I mean doesn't the rule apply for you can't make a whore into a housewife?  isn't it the whole standard of not having to be judged based on some ridiculous standard for beauty? Do women have to be a size two or show their body to be deemed acceptably attractive?
  12. I'm just saying if I wanted to fall in love and look for a commuted relationship I wouldn't be looking for the girl who lays herself out there for the world to see. 
  13. #born sucking a nipple.

    #Die being suffocated by many female breasts.

    I wanna be a ROCKSTAR
  14. Thank you raine and lovephilter for expressing your opinions! ️
  15. yes u can be sexy covered up.. and u suppose to always leave something for them to wonder about,they gone undress us with their eyes anyway
  16. Sorry I didn't read it all either ? But you are very beautiful.
    I think people tend to cover themselves more if they are insecure, I have some larger friends that wear sweaters nearly all year because they don't like how they look, they do not show more of themselves. Most of the friends I have that show cleavage or more of there bodies tend to be medium weight and smaller friends that I have.
    This also seems to hold true just when I am socializing around campus.
    Again I didn't read it all but from what I read this Is my response. 
  17. Thank you korsett for expressing your opinion!