Help me reach 350 Santa pugs

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by wolf16, Dec 23, 2013.

  1. Hi wolf here and I was wondering if anyone can help me reach 350 Santa pugs and I will return lots of spams ...thanks
  2. No this wont happen why dont you help me get to 350 then we'll talk
  3. Help me help you. Me first :D.
  4. Its help me help you help me
  5. No no no no it's help me then me and maybe I will help you
  6. 
  7. it's a quarter past not happening from me 
  8. Some pls atleast a pug
  9. we struggling our self and u want us to help u...i think not
  10. has anyone even reached that yet?
  11. Does Hipster pug count?
  12. 
  13. I used wrong emoji ? anyways, no one will help u reach 350 op lol
  14. No one expects a bcs member to help with anything that doesn't profit them korsett.
  15. Test [move]hello [/move]
  16. test
    hello hsjs
  17. Can i get pugs from you :p
  18. Im always trading my extra pugs. So wall me trades