Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -iBadiaa-, Dec 22, 2013.

  1.  it's finally here daddy! You're finally 78 years young  lol jokes..OLD??
    I remember the time I came to join MEGADETH and I kept asking you questions about your rules and stuff, and overall your answers for most things were family is important and that you don't care what I do, you would always have my back️.
    I love the fact I can hit you even though I keep losing ? but hey ! Plus side I waste your pots .
    Over the time I've been in Megadeth I've realised how fatherly you're to your members and you would always put them before yourself.
    You've been there for me through my final end of year exams, and kept me strong and motivated. You believed in me when I didn't even believe in myself. you're a true friend, father, husband and grandpa to your pimd family️ I don't know how I could ever repay you for all you have done for me! But thank you so much. HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLD MAN  we, MEGADETH members love you heaps !!!! ?
  2. Man he's popular in forums this week.
  4. When you have a heart of gold and turning 78 of course you would be??
    Hope your have a fabulous birthday!!!!
  6. Omg that was the nicest thing anyone ever said much love MEGADETH and to u minion 
  7. Hehehehehe I'm sweet like that   you deserve it and way more ️
  8. Happy bday Eric bro?
  9. Happy Birthday 
  10. Ericccc Happy Birthdayy! ??
  11. Happy Birthday to one of the greats of PIMD May you have many more, my friend! 
  12. Happy birthday torm!?
  14. Happy birthday Eric. Best wishes to u. Have a good one
  15. happy b day grandpa much love hope you have a great day 
  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIC !!!!!?

    Eric if badiaa gets to hit can I hit u to?

    And 79 dayum  I guess we gotta get u some umm some well whatever people do these days ?

    Just joking have a great day Hun ?
  17. Happy birthday!
  18. No Ciara go hit kris or ummmm hit ummm hit your boyfriend!! Only I can hit him️! I'm his number one daughter 
  19. But but  FINE