Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -CABLE-, Dec 22, 2013.

  1. #1 SweetStormy (paid)
    #2 Romeo (paid)
    #3 F4N (paid)
    #4 Emma (paid)
    #5 Jingle (paid)
    #6 Ap4ever (paid)
    #7 Mel (paid)
    #8 Romeo (paid)
    #9 F2K (paid)
    #10 Brit (paid)
  2. Results will be out in 2 minz ! ^_^
  3. 3rd again! ??
  4. 
    What's the second price
  5. Lol give me a min to send these so i dont fuck up  ty
  6. Mel  your good at gambling lol
  7. Aw I tried twice but still failed damn it
  8. good luck to all next time is all luck
  9. Congratss to the winners !! I hope you all had fun !! I hope you guys will play again ! Come back soon ^_^
    #2 Romeo - Santa Set
    #9 F2K - Santa Set
    #7 Mel - 4Pugs (left overs)
  10. I have awful luck
  11. Thanks so much guys 