Vomiting Bug -.-

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TurtleBawz17, Dec 22, 2013.

  1. So I have this vomiting bug that's been going around town and I want to know what would be the best for me to recover for Christmas, instead of going to google (which involves getting out of PiMD, like nope!) I decided to ask my fellow PiMDers for help. Thanks!! ^.^
  2. There a few steps to this but it works?

    1. Acquire a Goat or a Virgin (your best bet is the goat..)
    2. Sacrifice it to the almighty Lucifer.
    3. You will gain one wish
    4. Use said wish to conquer the world
    5. Put scientists to work curing your bug?
    6. Have a nice Christmas.
  3. Btw your welcome in advance
  4. I hate when people say that?
  5. Just throw up as much as you need to, drink lots of fluids, and eat lots of oranges.

    Do this for 3 days. I GARRUNTEE YOU WILL FEEL BETTER. If not, sooner. Oh and peptobismal helps! <---- not sure how to spell that...
  6. It's just a little bug... How much vomit could it really produce?
  7. Uhm... Being more specific would help.

    1. When you feel nauseous, drink warm Sprite. Room temp. Helps settle your stomach.

    2. Eat some saltine crackers, drink some liquid from soup. If its frequent vomiting, don't actually eat anything solid. Just liquids. It's annoying, but it'll burn your esophagus less coming up.

    3. This doesn't help everybody; for some, it sits heavy on their stomach and makes them puke. But drinking milk helps me, and a few of the thee people I've suggested it to said it helped them, too. But I wouldn't try it if you haven't tried the above things.

    To get more specific answers, you'd have to know how long you've had the bug, what goes along with it, and if you think it's doctor-worthy.
  8. Can I eat you Peeta 