Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -OFH-MICGOZ_V-ll, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. If anybody wish to trade a pug for a pug,to help them complete.,,please post which pug you are looking for and which pug u have to trade.

    At the moment i have:


    looking for Donner and Blitzen
  2. I need Donner as well
  3. Idk who I need
  4. I needs Donner,Cupid,Dancer will trade Winter Rose or TG item for em
  5. Ahhh I need Cupid and Donner.
  6. I need the free pugs. :)
  7. I will trade my donner for 1 of each of the other ones?
  8. i need donner i have extra vixen and prancer for now
  9. I'll give all my scavs, my spare dasher and ec gifts for donner 
  10. trading (ALL 1 each) vixen, dasher, dancer, comet, prancer to your cupid and donner.
  11. Need Donner and Cupid. . Trading Vixen or Dasher for them.
  12. Trading a prancer and Vixen for Donner and Cupid Wall Me
  13. Need donner, dancer and blitzen

    i have the rest. Will trade comet or dancer
  14. I'll give EC gifts for Pugs. I only have comet.
  15. Will trade Cupid for Donner
  16. Feel free to wall me offers for any extras I have, in exchange for ones I don't. Also send me an egg nog
  17. I have donner..feel free to wall offers
  18. Looking for Cupid though
  19. Want Dancer, comet

    Have Prancer, blitz
  20. I'll give dasher for dancer anyone?️