A man and his wife decide to get a divorce. The man goes out and pays for the best (and most expensive, of course) divorce attorney available in order to keep the assets from the marriage. When the two get to the court, the judged granted all assets to the ex-wife. She got the kids, the dog, the house, the car. Everything. All the man was left with was the clothes he was wearing and $50 in his pocket. Like any other sensible human, this man goes to the bar to drink away his last $50 in complete anger because the lawyer he bought couldn't get him anything. After the man had a few beers in him, he angrily stood up from the bar and shouted. "ALL LAWYERS ARE ASS HOLES!!" A large man from across the room stands up and replies. "Sir, I take great offense to that comment." "Why? Are you a lawyer?" "No! I'm an ass hole!" Told you it was legendary, didn't I?