Ducks and elephants

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by LiLxXxlauraxXx, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. Hey all im just after some information into the duck and elephant world... Im offer 10b to the person who can inform on how ducks and elephants wer born and if they ever meet in the wild who would win a fight... Im also intrested in hamsters and if a hamster is as fast as as frog ?? Xxx
  2. My question is, What if a duck and elephant mated? What would the result be?
  3. That my friend is the unknown question some beleive it will make a species sooo ugly like deathtoxic that people will be killed at the sight of it...some believe it will be the second coming of jesus part 2 .. And some believe it will just be half duck and half elephant but... All we know we for sure is u have feet and i have habds so together we go anywhere and we can pick up anything
  4. Duck goes quack and elephant goes toot. So I guess an elephuck would go 

    Have to admit that's a petty cool new animal species. An Elephuck!!
  5. Then breed that with a donkey and you have a dongivaphuck.
  6. Then that with a human and you have...
    SpitFire. :lol:
  7. TEAM ELEPHUCK!!!! and i love spitfire hes random like me :) xxx
  8. Laura is awesomee she owes me a 8b dv remenlmber me
  9. WTH elites
  10. If a duck and elephant were to mate the result would be a dead duck or an angry elephant
  11. 
  12. Who would win in a fight? Obviously the duck 
  13. I bet the duck could take a sloth and elephant 2v1.
  14. Sloths don't fight… we don't even eat meat
  15. Ducks are unbeatable... U get a bit of bread and put it between a duck a sloth and a elephant theres only one winner :) ...
  16. Awww thanks rockstar elite ill send u a cheque
  17.  + ? = Elephuck
  18. ?️These are sooo much better! 