Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -TPR_Mrs-CooLName-, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. Anyone know ho to find inactive to farm
    Or how did u calculate it,,
    I mean,, how did u know

    Btw here it must have search engine for d treads
    So there's no need to double post

    N sorry my english is wow,,
  2. It's alright, you'll get to practice over here. So yes, the forum searcher thing as been requested i believe, so now we wait I guess.

    And i'm not sure to understand what you mean about calculatinv. Anyways, search in Forums>strategy> Farms then pick someone in the list that is abit stronger than you, use pots and farm him
  3. I know a few farmlists
  4. Strawberryswitchblade
  5. Just search for inactive tuts around your price range

  6. Check there awards, gifts nd wall posts for signs of activity. Post on there wall, send them a gift. Or just hit nd see if they return (∩_∩)
  7. Halo5 ..... Farm him 