Lets see... I hate it when ppl smack there food! I hate when someone uses my restroom and later I walk in a see the toilet paper hanging down and touching the floor... makes me wanna say Rrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... Not sure why that bothers me so much lol
I hate it when people touch my food. Like no, shoo. Also when people do a sentence like, 'i like bacon.' It doesn't hurt to capitalise the first letter. ? And I guess another one is when people try and talk to me whilst I'm watching TV or doing work.
It drives me crazy when the person beside me has a horrible case of the sniffles during semester exams. I hate going to the movies because it never fails that the person behind me has a drink and nachos, person to the left has drink and candy, person in front has young child and drink, and person to right has drink and popcorn. They all drink up during wait time and previews, but right when movie starts hell breaks loose. They rattle their ice inside the cup and crush it between their teeth because they prematurely engulfed their now empty beverage, while smacking candy, crunching nachos, and trying to orally suction out the popcorn kernels stuck between their teeth. I did not forget about the young child. Get up and take care of your kids people! Movies suck.
When people type like idiots When people cuss in public? When people misuse their, they're, there, your, and you're When people flip out over the dumbest things on the internet? SMOKING UGH I hate public smokers!? Hoes who wear super revealing clothes and such️? When I begin to watch a show and someone wants me for something I'm sure I have a lot more, I'll post them later
Umm.. •Noisy eaters, can't stand that crap. ? or when they chew with their mouth open.? •When something isn't even, it drives my OCD insane. ? •I can't stand know-it-alls. I just want to smack them. ? •People who try to act cool by disrespecting teachers or other elders. You're not cool. •People who run their mouth saying they'll beat you senseless. If you're going to fight, don't run your damn mouth and do it. ? I know I have more, but they're not coming to my brain right now. ?
People who like to correct others. People who complain about others such as what they wear. People that act like they are all put together and perfect when they aren't. Fake people...you don't have to lie about who you are to me. Fake friends...around when they don't have a pot to piss in or window to throw it out of but disappear when they have $1.00 in their pocket. ughh
When people use homophones incorrectly. I hate to be a grammar nazi, but if I see it, I have to correct it.
BLARGH I hate it when I go in a room and I forget what I was gonna do!? When I have to explain simple things to people When I'm saying smart people things but my brain starts smoking and I go back to stupid.
When people use the wrong type of 'your/you're' and 'their/they're/there' When people use a capital letters at the beginning of every word they use.. Negativity
People who ask what my tattoo means and then stand there and ask why I got it. It doesn't have to make sense to you it means something to me. ? which is why it's on my body not yours.