Discussion in 'Strategy' started by V-ll_VIAGRA-2_V-ll, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. When I use to read threads about someone expressing that a friend commited suicide,it's a juggle between is this person seeking attention or is this real..Nothing seem to be real until it hit home..Never again will I ignore the attention any person seek,,because it will leave u guessing could it been something I could of did to prevent what happened.I seen many ppl express ,,that it's real ppl with real emotions behind these games..and I know some ppl are thick skin,,and don't care..But when it hit home them u be that person who want others to care..Viagra family lost a friend,a dear and close friend..I myself is guilty of thinking ppl only seek attention and not paying attention .And the price I am paying now for not paying that attention ,,is costing me more than I can afford. This thread is to bring awareness to those who ignore those who use this game to cry out for help...Real ppl with real emotions play this game every minute..One positive word can make a difference in someone life..Dont regret not expressing it....RIP SERGIO AKA PROJECTX1--
  2.  bro. Sorry for the loss
  3. I'm sorry for ur loss Hun 
  4. I am so sorry, Mic
  5. muly sympathies are with you. RIP Sergio
  6. I like this thread.
    You're right. We're all real people here playing and have feelings. Never ignore someone's pain. Help out, if you can. Never turn your eyes away from them.
  7. RIP Sergio. So sorry for your loss Mic
  8. I will miss my friend. He was kind and sweet and funny and he listened. He wanted happiness he wasn't sure he deserved. I wish I could have been there for him more. I wish I could have stopped and helped him. But I will forever remember my lost friend. He will be loved and missed.
  9. Love you mic. Ty for being u. U speak when I cannot. Xo
  10. My heart goes out to the family. Along with my hopes and prayers. This time of year is hard on many.
  11. Sorry for your loss mic and all that are currently grieving.
  12. I'm sorry for your loss. R.I.P Sergio
  13. Sorry for your loss and those who are grieving :( this his home to me not the person.... But the story... People would say my depressed thoughts were just for attention when they were cry's of help. I got help which is why i am still alive today but :( I'm so sorry that your friend has passed :( please don't ever ignore those who truly are seeking help.
  14. Well said mic. Many playing this game do so because you have the freedom to speak to real people without having to reveal your real identify. No judgements from those that are in your everyday life so you can speak true feelings. Yet real friendships can be made without even meeting. I considered Sergio a real friend. He was there for me when I needed him and I just wish I could have convinced him to get help he clearly needed. I pray his soul has finally found peace. RIP Sergio. You will be severly missed.
  15. ty mic. We will all make it through this just as we have in the past. Shows how and why club viagra was strong. Always here for eachother and know eachother. Ive been chatting with his family and they feel the same. U all.
  16.  OMG... I hadn't spoken to him in a while... R.I.P. Sergio...