Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iLickYourKittyCat, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. This is another game that has been posted many times on KaW. I'm not sure if it has been posted here though.

    Basically you "ban" the person above you for whatever reason. Logical or not. Go go go
  2. Umm banned for licking my kitty cat
  3. I remember this game 2 years ago.

    Banned for reviving this game
  4. Someone recently did this.
    Banned for copyright.
  5. Banned for being a bird
  6. Banned for slowness.
  7. Banned for not being vip...

    Your main probably isn't vip and you just like to say it is
  8. Banned for being squishy 
  9. Banned for banning
  10. banned for being weak
  11. Banned because I'm excuses I don't need a legit reason
  12. Banned for being an excuse. ️
  13. Banned for smirking
  14. Banned for crapping in an alley
  15. Trust me it is squishy. 
    Your just jealous. 
  16. Banned for not banning
  17. Banned for being A noob
  18. Banned for dreaming absolute crap
  19. Banned for being an ace not a king of spades
  20. Banned for making lame excuses