Evicting T5s

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -_DoYouWanaTouchMyWetCharlie_-, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. How much do you get back from evicting T5s all lvls? Mainly lvl 2 & 4
  2. T5 LVL 4 is 9.3b back
  3. Thank you...im guessing lvl 2 evictions will be half that
  4.  you get back 20% of what you spent.. T5 level 2 costs 19.5b, so the refund would be 3.9b  and yeah, 9.3b for lvl 4
  5. Awesome....whats gives better stats 4 T5s lvl 4 or 1 T6
  6.  I'd evict your t5 lvl 2's and swap for t6 before touching the t5 lvl 4's
  7. T6 level 1 give better stats than T5 level 4
  8. Shhh Ahli you noob ;)
  9. I have 4 T5s lvl 4 and 32 T5s lvl 2 an 2 T5s lvl 1 what u think i shud do?
  10. Evict ur t5 lvl 1 n 2 first
  11. 4 t5 lvl 4s give a bigger stat boost than 1 t6
  12. I have evicted some of my T5s lvl 1 & 2 an put in a T6 40B 4 each ug :'-(
  13. Your plunder also drops with t5 lvl 4 so I wouldn't go past t5 lvl 2 like I did lol.
  14. I don't think your plunder drops with T5 lvl 4
  15. Based on your stats i think you meant t4 lvl4
  16. your plunder improves with t5 lv4 if not i would of been making around 70mil on farms when i was all 32 t5 lv2 instead of 52-57mil
  17. Charlieeeeee, replace.all ya t5s with t1s level 4 lmao
  18. Charlie, this is what you do.......give ME all your money & let me ug.
  19. Just reset you noob and start all over as a super noob
  20. She has to give me her money first ninja.