I Remember When...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MzLegz, Dec 1, 2013.

  1. Juubi, I know eh? I've always wanted to join the Ace family during my low stat days.
  2. One of these threads was just recently made before..
    I remember when BCS weren't the ruling clubs, I remember when A51 and ordo were top. I remember when Bosen was VIP. 1.
    I remember when there was no parties and just wars and the highest kcs were only a couple hundred thou. Kcs. The t4 was the highest tier.
  3. I remember when I first met M4G. I was being farmed and he was the only one who helped me ️ Now he's perm silenced and it's not fair?
  4. I remember feeling so happy when I finally made my first 1b 

    I remember having to farm actives, with the occasional club volley to make money.
    A51 was top club, I liked someone there more than I should have done lol
    Wars were great.. No sleeping for us
    There were no parties, wasn't so many pervs, rp freaks were not as common as they are now, and campus was a laugh.

    I also remember when I BC the first time.. Never thought I'd get there, it was hard work.
    I remember all the friends I made during my 2.5 years here, and never having one pupil long enough as I was always 'stolen' in sf wars

    So many things I remember. I have enjoyed my time on pimd. Yes it's totally different now, but things have to move on 
  5. I remember when u actually had to farm all day for $$ before pro parties n promos came out.
  6. I remember when Bosen, Vesta, Sessha and Lorelei ruled VIP 
  7. I remember loyalty to your club
  8. The Frozen Throne was awesome. Ker Niah Sugi bre gordo jp chevy sparker. All were great but i remember pun was my first pupil and Skull was my first club.
  9. Tft boss, greg, i was X___TFT---JRELz-_-SAF_-_Merc___X. I still remember all my usernames. From years ago. I remember LeonardoDaVinci being a mod.
  10.  I remember when I received my Charlie, thinking HanaMay was crazy rich to be able to spend a bil on a gift  50mil for a ring was huge, but a bil?! 
  11. I want to thank you all for help making this thread my most successful thread I've ever done...I will always remember when I felt like I accomplished something as was as trying to get my name out there in a positive way :)
  12. I remember having to hit off the battle list to make money
    I remember a time before parties and pwars and showcase items
    I remember a time when PharmD was a very popular person in pimd
    I remember my first club was Armageddon and we warred The Reptiles

    ?awesome times
  13. I remember when a51 was #1 and the wars were real with mercs in the last min of the war. Along with immortals and the aces family with people like naph, blizzard, bosen, ceg, vesta and all them
  14. I remember when Raj dv'd me my first billion. I remember when I had my first war in July 2011 vs Red Devils (sumtn like that) and 30kcs' came in to help and I was like "omg they're so amazing :O" and then they called Raj and I saw his stats (t4bc was the max) and I was in heaven and then I followe him to -Sexy Beasts-

    I remember when the Terror drama first started.. I remember picking fights with my TERROR pupil (Rou) on WC.. I remember A51, Immortals, One India, Ordo all being top clubs.. I remember everyone merc'ing 1-3x a day and as soon as one was finished "Follow me to next war! Ends in 5hrs!" And a bunch of people would go, some to opp. I remember when people would merc for the losing side and not selfishly joining the side that was already winning by a lot like everyone does nowadays.. I remember when there were 0 parties for like a year.. No showcase items... I remember thinking everyone who had a crunk cup was super mega filthy rich.. I remember when t5's came out, I remember leading wars where there were 10 or more t5 lcbc's active in war and I was barely like 450kcs.. I remember staying up 44hrs for a 48hr war back when I had no job.. I remember Distant Society was a club I wanted to join cuz I liked the name and wallart... And I remember being strip farmed by TERROR, DEMO, Immortals, Playmates, DS, LM, VIP's Gone Wild, Zeppy, Jeff and a few others. I remember Bosen posted on my wall once threatening to SF me and all I could think was "OMG THE ALMIGHTY BOSEN POSTED ON MY WALL!" and then people lol'ing at my wall cuz I posted that, and then I remember posting "my pimd life will be complete if Riccena posts on my wall" and a few hrs later she was like "Hi" ... lol.

    Good times.
  15. I remember when I had my first war alongside LeoLj at Fight Club. We lost the war but it was great. I remember getting vollied during that war a kind of freaked outI remember warring at The Breakfast Club, one of the best war clubs ever to me. I was amazed at all the big people-Bond, Notorious,etc. EvilPrincess was a great leader during war. Then I became a merc and warred everywhere. I met James-Beast- at a war on opp sides and we became friends. he dragged me to war all the timeWars were 48 hrs and no sleep. There were volley clubs everywhere. Mag volley club was popular. i remember when I was hired away from my pupil, Eclipse, I posted on the person's wall upsetit was his friend/clubmate. I was excited when I t4 bc only to have t5 released maybe a month n half later.I've had some great times on pimd from 2011 until now.
  16. I remember we were sitting there by the water, you put your arms around me for the first time. You made a rebel out of a careless man's careful daughter. You are the best thing that's ever been mine
  17. I remember when everyone had 5 ec avatars, and Phantasm was #1. I remember demo_n and terror having a sfw. I remember when forums didn't suck. I remember when in order to be a "good" forumer, you didn't have to kiss ass. I remember when anya and spit and all of the shitheads didn't exist. Good times.