RS splitup?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lostguy2k11, Dec 3, 2013.

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  1. Goldengate bridge seems good enough 
  2. BLS? They suck
  3. Pun that sounds like an excellent idea
  4. I love the forums!!!
  5. does it really matter that the person asked this in a forum. we are only human god  its just a game  bully in real life not over your phone  simple yes or no question
  6. Hmmm I think it would make a great movie. Let me get stoned and write the script....

  7. Caitlin can i have a dv?
  8. no im poor  can i have a 80b dv 
  9. CAITLIN, make a post that the sky is blue too,lol
  10.  the sky is blue. dam  i need to get my eyes checked 
  11. I'm preordering my tickets for this movie. I have a feeling it's gonna good but either way I'm sure a thread will be made about it. lol
  12. And Jenny, I said it twice...the Delorean is not community property..hands off!!! Don't make me get Gloria Alldred on u!!!
  13.  burlesque?? 
  14. Hey I heard that RS was putting out a new album with all the original members 
  15.  a new album  suppose to be top secret
  16. i heard they sf members over leaving now
  17. pun if you make a burlesque club I'm in lol.
  18. I can't wait to see the RS movie. It's going to be awesome.
  19. I heard RS was switching from it's original formula and making a "New RS"!

    *whispers I've also heard that information is considered insider trading so don't tell anyone.
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