free dn

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Red__Valentine, Nov 28, 2013.

  1. Ata can u guys give free doctor notes pls
  2. YES PLEASEi remember old days you gave 3dn per month!!! Saying "thanks for playing"?there should be some awards thing for logging in daily?
  3. 3 dns a month  not bad
  4. Wow that's all I would use if they did :/
  5. Too many play now for them to give them out freely
  6. I disagree. I also remember when they gave out free ones, but now people would probably just depend on those and ATA would go bankrupt.?
  7. 3 dns well-deserve compensation to all loyal players 
  8. Maybe if you were 100kcs you received it
  9. I remember when they gave me 25 dn a week, they musta loved me.
  10. ️just buy your own people,
  11. Oh that happened to you too spit? 
    May of been a glitch 
  12. I was just kidding,^
  13. yes they should put rewards every first log in of the day same with the other game im playing. Please ATA! :-*
  14. NO Just NO
  15. People say this game cant have a login bonus but it can keep track of how many days youre active. Which is close enough. Im not supporting or arguing if this game should or not
  16. Free ec also its hard to get ec help me!!!!!
  17. People These Days Are So Greedy EARN THEM YOUR SELF!!!!!!!
  18. To recieve 100 free DNs please click Here
  19. these stupid links lol