PIMD Awards- 2013 *REVISED*

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Preach, Nov 27, 2013.

  1. ^ no sweetie your not I've already won oh and uh bump
  2. -RC-KyuKyu-Elite_DE- and DE-DevilOfDeath for Best PIMD Couple.
  3. Same as doom above for choice⇧
  4. okay u can cross out my own name call me Sommy
  5. Deatheaters for most popular club 
  6. -RC-KyuKyu-Elite_DE-
  7. *and DE-DevilOfDeath for best PIMD couple.
  8.  i agree to the couple of kiss and doom... ️
  9. Deatheaters for most pop. club 
  10. *Cutest PIMD couple.
  11. *cutest. Not best. Sorry. ?
  12. Most Friendly Player : BabyPooh5. 
  13. BabyPooh5 for Most Friendly Player! 
  14. -RC-KyuKyu-Elite_DE- and DE-DevilOfDeath for cutest couple! 
  15. BabyPooh5 for MOST friendliest player! ♡
  16. Best name: Gag_on_my_pierced_slong (name changed to -bcs-Mr_G)

    Best clubs: BCS, BCS Elite, BCS VIP, BCS Shell & BCS BCS

    Most well Known: Yunyun, Heng & Warking

    RP King: halfkastslilpunk
  17. Best pwar club-cosmopolitans
  18. You cant vote for your own club right? So only other people can vote? If you have the tag of the club means you also cant vote? It that how it works? :3
  19. Cutest PIMD couple : -RC-KyuKyu-Elite_DE- and DE-DevilOfDeath. ♡
  20. DE for most popular club .. woooohooo!!!!! 