Yes, No, Maybe Game 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by pixie-stick, May 20, 2011.

  1. Not a yes, no, maybe question  Sorry
  2. Maybe. would you give someone lots of money for using you?
  3. No

    Would u wear a mask at night to scare little kids?
  4. Maybe. Would you wear a mask all day for a whole week?
  5. Yes

    Would u ever call a stranger and ask do you like horror movies?
  6. Maybe. Would you ever try to say something about someone through a question?
  7. Maybe
    Yes or no or maybe?
  8. Would you approach an attractive woman or man who was hanging out with their parents somewhere at a public place? Restaurant, park, concert ... Etc
  9. At easyam- yes. Very subtle. Definitely do it all the time. Good one.
  10. @Aziza
    No 
  11. Aww come on... What if they were really hot? You should be respectful anyway... Whether they are w parents or not. Really no one would?
  12. Looks aren't everything
  13. Ask a question pplz!

    Would you make out with an ugly pimply nerd, if it meant getting a date with your hot best friend? (Girl for boys and Bous for girls) ;)
  15. Maybe.

    Would u fight a shark to save ur cousin?
  16. Hell no

    Do you think CJS will lock this thread too?XD
  17. Maybe

    Would u watch human centipede?
  18. WTF? no

    Think mods are overrated?
  19. Yes

    Do you love others more than yourselfXD
  20. Maybe

    Would u be a stereotype just for the hell of it?