
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by llllllCamsA_CrAzEd_gamerllllll, Nov 27, 2013.

  1. I've never been bullied but when I was a freshman in highschool my brother and cousin were seniors and they tried putting me in the trash but I'm a lil taller than them and kinda shrugged em off. Lol
  2. For the many who beat bullying a few take the easy way out. Keep fighting and don't hurt your friends and family
  3. So you're stereotyping athletic people to be bullied? That's interesting. I don't know how someone's love for sports is relative to being an ass to someone.
  4. Yeah im not going to listen to someone named fuzzybeaver……………
  5. Raine...
    It's good to know that your on the same page as me. But were smarter than them because of it. Yeh we may be an easy target, but we know better than that to know pay attention to it. Were better than people like that and should not lower ourselves to that level..

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one at times.
  6. And what exactly is wrong with my username?
  7. Love it 
  8. I'll admit too iw as bullied and i became one too. But Iw as nver the bully that will oush you down the stairs or lock uu in the locker. It more of a teasing way and I only nully my close friends ? so I think that counts more of a teasing rather than bullying.
  9. I dont get bulliedwtf?
  10.  Read this, this is better.
    I will admit I was bullied and became one too. But i was never the bully that will push you donw the stairs or lock u up inside the locker. Its more on the teasing kind of way. And I only bully my close friends so I think it counts more of a teasing rather than bullying
  11. Im am so pissed off about this bully crap, when you tease or joke about someone ITS NOT BULLIYING its just making a laugh?and if youre being pushed down the stairs dont fucking go to the teacher and say "please help me im getting bullied" JUST GET UP AND BREAK THE GUYS JAW?too many wusses these days
  12. easier said than done.
  13. The cool kids in high school don't turn into losers :lol: they turn into douche managers and bosses that bully those nerds who were supposed to be super successful
  14. No Miley it really isn't you just think it's hard, it's a stupid stereotype people have, if you're smaller/ weaker you can't stand up for yourself
  15. I believe at a certain point we must ask ourselves what bullying even means. I think the word has been distorted so much that it has lost the original meaning and almost everything that happens is bullying. Since I've been back on this game I've seen "bullying" happen and that just might be what I define as bullying. Sometimes I would categorize myself as a bully. Although I don't feel like one at the moment. Yes, I do realize I took this to an unnecessary level  but sometimes overthinking comes in handy. Also NaughtyMiley I feel like you're changing opinion based on others thoughts. I haven't seen you on any other forum, but this one. I suppose I could be wrong. If there's any grammatically incorrect errors I apologize. I will not read over this.
  16. One time i got accused of bullying because i called someome fit (fit meaning look nice) 

    Peace im out 
  17. Very true trap, the word is overused and has lost its meaning, if you call someone a fool they will call you a bully?
  18. I remember Being bullied by a lamppost. He would give me concussion daily
  19. yeah I've fought a dude who knew Brazilian Jiu jitsu, mother fucker made me bleed  and he kicked my ass 