New Ranking System?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -D34D7Y_KALKl-, Nov 26, 2013.

  1. I dropped 50 places 
  2. Oh t6, it's a good thing I don't have to worry about you. T1 I'm comin fo ya
  3. 
  4. i went from 335 yesterday to 232 to day
  5. I ug only 3 dorms cause i could only do 3 and i only went down 6 spaces 
  6. I replaced half of my t5s without increasing my tb, i jumped from 600something to 425.
  7. Rex786
    Both 50B, 100K cs and ACTIVE


    I thought I would try elsewhere?
  8.  hope they put u to 420 tomo
  9. ? that's because you simply suck dear. 
  10. I doubt it i wanna earn the rest of my money before lc'ing so that I could evict dormmates and hit a low kcs tut of mine??.
  11. A lot of things will affect your rank with a change like this. For example, did you drop tutors to upgrade? That will drop your tutor rank and drop you over all. Did you ec spam to upgrade, then you will probably move up.

    If you look closer at the people you mentioned who didn't upgeade and went up in VIP rank, I bet all their tb grew. They all have a bunch of BC tutors, who probably upgraded, and there for their tb jumped.

    My advice is done sacrifice TB for stats if you have over 5mcs tb. Play it slow, while we have promos the money is good and the upgrades will come.
  12. ?i went down 70 spots lol was 2,100 now 2,172
  13. Ski, I would like to say that's true, but it's not, most of us still have the same, of bigger tb, such as myself, my tb increased, and I still dropped a large amount, cutiejay tb didn't changed and dropped from 41 to 54, and loads of other players in top 50 tb didn't change or changed very little, so your point isn't the case.
  14. Ok, I never said it was the only reason you migh drop. Look at the other variables for rank, did someone who previously had not bought the 4 new dorms buy them and put t6 in them? That would cause them jump you. I jumped 50 spots when I opened the 4 new dorms and put t6 in them. I was about 175/180 and jumped to 120/130. Now I'm back down to about where I feel I should be.

    You need to compare your successful fight, dance, prank, ed, tb and jobs to someone close to you in ranking. There are a lot variables.

    Presuming you didn't magically drop successful actions, and didn't ec spam to upgeade, if you are an intelligent player your cash was in tutors (and if it was just sitting in hand an not helping you make money, you are a lot dumber than I thought), you had to drop tutors, and there for drop tb, to upgrade. So the only place you can drop in rank is tutors, which would bring you down those spots.

    And if you were just sitting around with 1.5T in hand, well that wasn't too smart, it only takes 4 hours for 75% of that to be gone and 8 total to all be sacrificed to the PIMD gods. This is a war game after all...
  15. Sorry about the typos I'm getting used to a new phone
  16.  it's been one day of t6 being out and y'all have your panties in a bunch, "noticing trends." One day isn't a trend. Give it a few days, usual top players will have upgraded, tb will sort it's self out again, time zones will catch back up. Blah blah blah. It's going to be okay, I promise. ️
  18. From 9000 to 90000000000000
  19. Yeah this really is pathetic.
  20. Im ranked 4,682 lol