
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by BeautifulPain, Nov 25, 2013.

  1. -VvV-D34D7Y_Kalki-

    Is looking for a girl or guy he can spoil with ring spams and ec gifts everyday all day. He tends to get jealous if you don't like his rpso please even when he is off his gameact like he is amazing.

    If you do his favorite rp,which is little mermaid, he will end up hiring you and give you 10b dv everyday. He also likes Star Trek rp although it isn't his favorite. (These are facts from those that have been in his tc and pm)

    Kalki has been down in the dumps and we finally got him to open up and let us know what's been bothering him. loneliness can be a hard thing at times.

    So if you feel you are a great catch and want to apply please post ON HIS WALL!
    We are looking forward to see how many are willing to receive his gifts of enjoyment.
  2. 
  3. me 
  4. Hahahaha 
  5. 
  6. 
  7. ?oh he likes acting badass but truly is a big teddy bear. His favorite nickname is Captain SissyPants. Come on people, who can resist such a good deal? ?must be approved by Jimmy. That's his all time favorite person.
  8. 
  9. ? I think I'm good for this part ? I would love a ring spam ??
  10. wait sommy me fristhot damn put my name on that list ty holly ur right its a good deal lmao
  11.  jenn
  12. Don't leave this lover lonely. Go Kalki
  13. Kalki... Is this true? 
  14. I'm quite certain it's at least 99.9% true...