truth or dare

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Corey, May 20, 2011.

  1. This is a game!

    Player 1: Truth or dare?
    Player 2: Truth!
    Player 1: (asks question where one has to answer truthfully)


    Player 1: Truth or dare?
    Player 2: Dare!
    Player 1: (dares player 2 to to something within power and within the ToU)
  2. Truth or dare?
  3. Truth or dare?
  4. Ok this fails... Ice flower.... Truth or dare?
  5. I said truth!
  6. What is 3*3*3 3 300 30 3 300 3?
  7. Ok now it's a reAl fail... Hmm we need a new game
  8. That's supposed to say What is 3*3*3 3 300 30 3 300 3?
  9. Now u need to click tue burrow ok?
  10. Yeah, we need a new game
  11. The buttons are inside the question ok. Look within yourself for the understanding that you will already found. The tense is will be done. Now the truth is - answer me this
    What do you get when you add these

  12. 700 is the answer
  13. Where did you get 700? It's 666 several different ways.
  14. Easyam, that is not a truth question. For truth or dare, saying truth means asking along the lines of an opinion, or something personal. There is definite answer, it depends on the individual... Example: did you ever have a crush on so and so...
    A math problem is not question at all, math is a matter of fact, unless it's a theory. Which this thread is not about, what so ever.
  15. Bump  this thread is funny
  16. Lol this will never work!! Ppl r just gonna keep saying truth or dare!! And if they say truth how do u know it will b the truth!!!!!