Hmmm I have picked on noobs and high stat players alike. I'm a asshole to everyone equally. Buttttt when I was a tiny tiny person I can definitely see the snobbery that comes with
I would say there would be more of a trust thing with stats. I'd be more likely to believe a higher stat player's intentions were pure as compared to someone that just signed up, has no stats, and is on my wall/following me for no good reason that I can gather. Not that I'd respond to any random person, high stat or low stat in general, but still.
I personally dont think it matter on how people act is based on stats, maybe just how well you know them is the issue, i reply to everyone, but sometimes it takes a little bit of time.. Stats matter when someone messes with you, its bound a lcbc will force a 500kcs player into submission for touching a op tut.. a 500kcs player will just wall them and rehire rather then fight.. Im lcbc, and some lcbc still ignore me or dont reply when i pm, sometimes they get alot of pms, sometimes they just dont wanna talk.. its all based on who they are in real life.
Thousands of dollars...naw 100 or 200 dollars max and u can buy what u need its a game ps4 is 399 so thousands...nae
My main was feared due to my stats. On here, I'm neither Liked or hated. I'm just known. I prefer not to be famous on here.
Really? Feared? I'm not calling you a liar I'm just finding it hard to imagine someone fearful over a game.
Stats don't matter, it's all about activity. If you are active you will grow and your stats will increase. That is the base for how PIMD operates, that is why 'big stat' players usually demand more respect. Now saying that there are people like Spiny, Leothecool, spitfire, Meggy, Royale and others who have the respect of the community but are small stats. But as a general rule of thumb, size is a good indicator of activity, and activity matters most. There will always be exceptions to the rule, but it's a good guide to go by. Also trust me, as a retired mod, mods do have lives. We work, go to school, party, have social lives, form opinions on life, people, PIMD, etc. Mods can and do make mistakes. If a thread by a noob gets locked, there is probably a pretty good reason why. They probably wrote their thread in a fashion complaining about being silenced. If a thread by a veteran player, where the comment about being perma-silenced doesn't get locked, it is probably because they are using that thread to communicate with other players and NOT to complain about being perm-silenced. There is a very large difference. And yes, an LCBC/VIP player did have their thread locked last week because they were complaining about getting silenced, so it is not just noobs who have threads locked on them.
That thread was the one I was referring to ski… it didn't get locked until wallace and i started saying something. And i know for a fact two mods locked 6-7 threads combined while it was in active topics.
Size doesn't matter e.g Yoda But on the game... Some people just have to call people below them noobs so if you don't mind getting called a noob then its okay
I remember when I first me cherry I was about 90kcs. She called me "Squid Hoe" so I challenged her to a 1v1 now we are besties but she still won't hire me?
oh wow i so thought this thread was about something else lmao wooo im so glad its not what i was thinking lol
If its size(as on pimd⇨Stats) then yup it does… lets forget all the negative comments about low stats or high stats and lets be VIRTUAL ops yea virtual not real It does matter in : -plunder And if ur plunder is high it means more cash and it means you are VIRTUALLY rich… and a lot of cash lovers will love u… so yea! size does matter everywhere