Xbox One and PS4

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by therealist8, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. Ps4 launching in a few days and Xbox One a week after, anyone else excited for next gen??
  2. Ps4 looks amazing
  3. Im wanting a ps4 but il prob get both
  4. Will be getting my ps4 in dec, it's coming out late here

    Not sure about Xbox one yet my 360 is collecting dust lol
  5. I've been an Xbox fan for the longest now but in not particularly swayed or convinced about Xbox One so I've actually considered switching back to Playstation.
  6. Well i m a ps fan but I prefer to have both consolescaus some games r in Xbox only n some in ps3 
  7. Been on the 360 and can't wait to switch bakc to ps. Plus no more paying for live $$$
  8. I can't wait for the PS4. :D
  9. You still pay for playstation plus just cheaper then live
    And for me gonna get get both luckily gonna get the xbox one for free
  10. I believe you have to be a PlayStation plus member to access online play.
  11. Yes... either way... now you have to pay to play online but now with the additional income that Sony will receive... imagine how much better the PS4's online play can and will be :D plus the graphics difference is a huge letdown
  12. The xbox is going to be better. Microsoft will always be better
  13. I don't want a ps4 or xbox one, my ps3 is good enough xD
  14. Neither.

    Anin't nobody got time to play anymore.
  15. _bowboa You still have to pay for psn network anyway Lol
  16. Can't wait getting Xbox One but I'll keep my 360 also just because of GTA 5.
  17. I have a ps3 and Xbox 360, I'll most likely end up getting both next gen consoles but I dont know what one I want first....