The person Above 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Fume, Nov 12, 2013.

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  1. Sup peeps!

    I noticed that everyone is being boring not posting Fun games! SHOCKING 

    Sooo...I made one!

    Basically if you were stuck in a bedroom with the person above you... What would you do?

    Please keep it clean as I don't want forum banning, As you can see I'm already silenced 

  2. Im not a Peep, but if I was id probably eat my Marshmallow self. ?

    Throw you out the window. 
  3. Play Scrabble with you 
  4. Kick your ass off the bed and sleep like a eagle with its wings stretched out.
  5. Staple cotton balls to your ass for once 
  6. Hide your stapler?
  7. Steal his pillows 
  8. Secretly dig an escape tunnel in the corner so I can escape while you're sleeping
  9. I would cover up your escape tunnel 
  10. Bake muffin friends for that person, since they covered up squishee's tunnel.
  11. play car racing game with u ^
  12. ?I'll be you on any video game
  13. Put the bed to good use 
  14. Anya 
    Would you let me...? 
  15. that unfortunately not a topic for forums.
  16. Is^ ?typing to fast
  17. We will talk later about that 
    Hope this game gets popular 
  18. I would destroy you
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