Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by FallenAngel12321, Nov 7, 2013.

  1. @foot RL and PimD related.
  2. An even more popular dj than I already am 
  3. Married to a beautiful woman. Who gives.me crap for playing video games
  4. Wearing a suit plated with gold and eating endangered species as appetizers. Lmfao
  5. 5 years- Toilet
    10 years- laying on a couch eating either Doritos or Cheetos (haven't decided yet)
    15 years- I have cancer scheduled
  6. Creating a drug island
  7. In this Game LCBC and i will also propably leave this game and in general i will graduate out of high school and go to college to join the Army reserves.
  8. OUT OF SCHOOL THANK THE LORD...meanwhile I still have college to go to
  9. I see myself being more… Me.
  10. Lmao I see myself probably still here with no life
  11. 5 years from now i hope iphone come out with a 36" screen phone so i can play pimd,also to be a pimd avatar model.and also drink a pepsi that taste like a pepsi
  12. Working for mc donalds for my 36th year
  13. In a famous studio
    (Ifunny studio):)
  14. Its easy really. Ive got a career a house n cars. The only thing missing is kids :) fingers crossed for that in next five years