Best Wishes to Victims of Yolanda

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Brobacious, Nov 10, 2013.

  1. Just wanted to give best wishes to our Filipino PIMD family, and the victims, family and friends of typhoon Yolanda / Haiyan. Please recover fast!
  2. I hope my relatives and family are alright i didnt even know there was a typhoon
  3. It was the strongest storm ever to hit land. Winds of 195 miles / 310 km per hour!!
  4. Mother of god. Why haven't I heard about this til now.

    I hope everyone's alright
  5. Initial estimates are 10,000 dead. :-(
  6. Prayers to all the people
  7. Thank you Brob. Thanks everyone. 
  8. I hope everyone is okay!
  9. Oh god... 10,000? I hope your families ok My best wished to them️ And to the rest of you guys that have family there.
  10. Its also heading for Vietnam and China 
  11. Best wishes philippines

    Viet and china too
  12. Thanks guys i hope it will repeat again.
  13. Oh god only just found out 
    Be strong Filipinos 
  14. Best wishes to the Philippines! 

    Good luck and best of wishes to everyone affected 

    R.I.P to those who lost their lives 
  15. that storm is moving to vietnam
  16. praying for the victims.. God bless us all