What kind of sick people allow such behavior to go on ? Killing two innocent animals for no reason . The worst part is how they all join in like if it's something fun seriously disgusting behavior! Animals have feelings too. Seriously China get your shit together because you're making yourself look bad there's ways to handle strays and beating them to death isn't one!
No dont turn this into Facebook with all these sad pics and stories pimd is suppose to be fun and entertaining this just makes me mad and wanna cry?
Have a problem? Go out and do something about it!! Making a thread about it won't solve the problem of the animal abuse. but if it makes you feel better go on with yo thread
Shame on China for doing animal cruelty. Let's really get fired up now..... Not the fact child labor has been occurring in that country for decades.
They cage bears there until their bile starts leaking out. A momma bear killed her cub and then herself to make sure it didn't suffer the same way she had.?
There's restaurants in China where they kill and eat people... you'd be surprised what's acceptable in different countries
Out of all the animals in the world, humans are the only ones capable of outright cruelty and inhumanity. This will always be a fact of the world because people as a whole will never change.. there are tons of other cruel things that people do that don't bring out this reaction, like mike said child labor has been going on for decades and we still buy toys/clothes made in china. This will always happen somewhere no matter how much of an outrage some people find it. I'm not saying i condone it because i think it's deplorable but i am saying i doubt it will change due to this thread, and people join in to things like that because of their mob/herd mentality, because they want to feel like they're part of something bigger than themselves, even if it's something cruel and inhumane. By and by the word inhumane annoys me because no matter how cruel they act they are humans and they are acting like humans, saying they are inhumane is like saying their an animal or something but like i said at the start humans are the only creatures capable of inhumanity in all it's gory glory.
Eh, you noobs just focus too much on the negative. You watch the news or read the news or whatever, and you see some story going and you see bad crap going on in the world, you basically assume the whole world is bad and CRAP. IF THOU ONLY PAYS ATTENTION TO THA NEGATIVE YOU'LL never be able to look or find the positive.