define:off topic

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iHULK-SMASH-TRASHMAN, Nov 7, 2013.

  1. Off topic threads mean exactly that. OFF TOPIC. meaning they can say whatever the hell they want.
    my off topic post......

    Boom chaka laka
  2. Really? can i say penis?
  3. no nvm i guess i cant... that is gay
  4. Off topic is derailing the topic of a thread. which will result in a lock. FYI just because your title and post says it's an off topic thread doesn't mean it can't be locked.
  5. There's actually a forum called "off topic" so I'm guessing non pimd related.

    The other day while I was waiting on a red light, the bird flew in and stood in the middle of the road. It literally did not give a crap about cars so we all had to drive around it. 
  6. What kind of bird was it? 
  7. Idk but it was brown and small. It probably got dumped and became suicidal. ?
  8. reminds me of the time my mom was driving and a bird flew into our windshield. Those dang suicidal birds.
  9. ? question. Since this thread was essentially off-topic, now we are on the topic of birds, does that make the off topic thread, off topic??
  10. Yes, yes it kinda does seeing how off topic doesn't have a topic Chris. 
  11. See now u get the point.....but didnt u just contradict urself anya? U may wanna re read your posts. Lmao. Off topic-no specific topic. Non-related articles. Etc etc. Request a lock if u think i violated any ToU.
  12. It got specific when more then one person started talking about the same topic. ?
  13. Here we go again with that big ass ego of your bubby. how bout doing us all a favor? Keep my name out of your mouth and stop trying every thread into something about me. ️
  14. Yours * ?this new autocorrect officially sucks
  15. Nom  you should of comforted the bird
    Its heart needing mending
  16. ^that is a perfect pimd meme 
  17. Just noticed another autocorrect fail ?turning * not tried.
  18. Shhhh tucker 