^I'm an Andoird user but I can see them. Although not in my other account so I guess it depends on the phone unit. Anyway, those puppies/dogs are adorable!! I'm not that into dogs since they're usually so hyper, and I prefer bunnies!! I had one but it was stolen. >.>
Meet Tato (as in potato) the Jack Russell He's been my furry little brother for 11 years now (this is a recent pic, still looks like a puppy, huh?) he's a crazy smart dog, knows a lot of tricks, and is extremely playful love that little guy, even if he does bark a lot ?
This is Kasey, she looks sweet and innocent but she's actually very mean so look out the only person/people she likes or her owner/family members.
First time posting pics....Sorry if it fails. Meet Hannah and Zoe...Zoe is a 9 yr old Boxer and Hannah is what happens when a Golden Retriever jumps your fence and takes advantage of your Boxer.
why would you hurt a cat for purring? That's sadistic...there's something wrong with that completely. I love dogs but I prefer cats...I have a cat that's more like a dog since he was raised around dogs as well as extremely exposed to humans. He's a doll, he's 16...he's a old man now.
My doggy when he's happy It's ok if you don't think he's cute I had to get use to his appearance to but now I think he's the cutest ️️️️️️️️️️️️