hipster party award

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Matoaka, Nov 3, 2013.

  1. Sounds good
  2. woohoo this club is rocking parties fast!!
  3.  guys club is running perfectly and fast please apply to get ur spot
  4. Wow!!! This club finishes party within 5 minutes. Its an ideal club for hunt awards. Thanks captain for this awesome club.
  5. I needed a club like this, since I'm not collecting any more candies. I'll join after school.
  6. Come join us people 
  7. ??Get ur DD Lvl5 achievement boosts with FAST WINS @ Hipster Parties Award Hunt ??
    Starting soon get a seat 
  8. Good luck guys ️
  9. Parties are finishing quickly!! ?
  10. Yay for completing parties in 5-8min! 
  11. All come help us complete faster 
  12. i will join..just wall me pls if its started :p
  13. I can't find the club, was it ever started yet?
  14. There are several that exist already. o_O